A fitting way to improve your golf game (part 3)
June 7, 2019
In last week’s column I described how Mizuno’s 3D Shaft Analyzer device helped Rehoboth Beach golfer Jayne Tamburello select a new set of irons to replace a 1998-era collection, during the May 4 Demo Day at Rookery South.

Rookery Assistant Golf Pro Chris Osberg with the Mizuno 3D shaft analyzer and iPad tablet
I tested three of my own swings on the Analyzer a few days later with the help of Rookery South club pro Chris Osberg. I used the Mizuno 6-iron with its attached measuring device, and the data uploaded to a Rookery iPad. The analyzer provides 6 reports that suggest the golf shaft and lie angle that helps create the best launch conditions for the way you swing.
Some of what we learned was a bit surprising.
The data showed that my 6-iron swing is over 76 mph, not bad for a senior golfer. The next measurement was for tempo – how quickly a golfer transitions from the backswing to the downswing. My number was 5.67, faster than average. That suggests using a heavier and/or stiffer shaft to assist in timing.
Shaft Toe Down measures how much the club shaft bows down during the down swing. Mine was 6.33, again a bit more than average. Shaft Kick Angle measures how much the shaft bends forward during the down swing, and my 8.00 is also high.
The Release Factor measures how and when the club shaft releases its stored energy during the down swing. An early release suggests using a softer shaft tip, while a late release suggests using a firmer shaft tip above the club head. My number was 2.67, on the late release side.
The Analyzer data also suggested my shaft lie angle should be 1 degree upright compared to the stock option, but at Mizuno’s standard club length.
The combined data lead to several shaft recommendations. The first was the Project X LZ 5.0 shaft, which weighs 110 grams. The second suggestion was for the C-Taper Light S shaft, which weighs 100 grams.
Both shafts are steel, but I have used graphite shafts for years. The first graphite model to appear on the Mizuno list was in 12thplace, the UST Recoil 95 R, whose weights vary from 90 to 96 grams in the club set. I currently use UST’s Recoil 660 F3s, which weigh 71 grams.
Mizuno stresses that its recommendations are just that – the next step is to test the various options and see how they feel and perform.
(Part 4 of this series will continue in an upcoming column).
Summer FlingGolf League at American Classic
The American Classic Golf Club is offering a new league for Cape Region golfers, using the New Swarm Flingstick to hurl golf balls from tee to hole (www.flinggolf.com).
League play begins June 3 and runs every Monday through Sept. 16 at 7:00 p.m., and playing fees are $13 per week ($10 if you own your own FlingStick).
For more information contact Britt Morrison at 302-703-6662.
Associa Cares seeks sponsors for Sept. 12 tournament
Associa is a community association and property management company that operates in the Cape Region and Ocean City, MD area. It also runs a charity called Associa Cares, which provides disaster relief for families and communities.
The 9thAnnual Fore! Associa Cares Golf Tournament takes place Sept. 12 at Bayside near Selbyville, and the company is actively seeking sponsors. Support levels are available in a wide variety of options, from a Wrap Party Food Sponsorship for $3,000 down to a placement of your business card in the event booklet for $100.
For more information, contact Chris Sites at csites@legumnorman.com, or Lisa Meck at lmeck@legumnorman.com, or call 410-524-5577.
Cape Henlopen Senior Center Fundraiser seeks players and sponsors
The annual Cape Henlopen Senior Center Fundraiser tournament takes place Sept. 23 at the Rookery South course in Milton.
The $100 player’s fee covers golf, cart, breakfast, a hot lunch, goodie bag, and prizes.
The Center is also seeking sponsors and auction items for the event, which supports the long-running senior service facility.
For more information, contact the Center at 302-227-2055 and ask for Linda or Bobbie, or stop by at 11 Christian Street in Rehoboth Beach.
Local club competition results
The Mulligans Pointe Ladies played a Throw Out game June 4, where the worst three scores are tossed from the total. Nancy Mahwhinney won first place, with Cathy Macklin in second and Carol Love in third.
The Kings Creek CC Ladies 18-Hole group played a 1 best ball of 4 game May 30. Donna Deely, Melanie Pereira, Susan Underwood, and Francie Young won first place, followed by Gale DiBona, Tricia Ritthaler, Barbara Hines, and Beth Cohen in second. Jean Chlastawa, Ruth Lauver, Karen Wilkens, and Susan Griesemer finished third.
Ladies day May 29 at Rehoboth Beach Country Club used a Team Stableford Quota Point format. Elise Coar, Barbara Collins, Beth Forbes, and Reagan Roberts won first place net, with JoJo Barrows, Ann Cunningham, Pris DeSena, and Sharon Emerson took second.
Daisey Hudson, Carole Medd, Kim Stockson, and Gayle Truit won first place gross. Hudson won closest to the pin on the fifth hole, and Pauline Porter won closest on the fifteenth.
The Kings Creek CC Ladies 9-Hole League played one best ball of threesome May 29, with pairings based on ABCD rankings. Kathy Nave, Sue Eisenbrey, and Tina Brown won first place. Sandy Neverett, Rita Musi, and Mary Beth Morella (blind draw) took second. Lesley Corydon, Bernie Reid, and Sue Eisenbrey (blind draw) finished third.