Hole By Hole–The Book

Now Available:

Hole By Hole: Golf Stories from Delaware’s Cape Region and Beyond

Hole By Hole samples some of my best pieces to appear in The Cape Gazette and at HoleByHole.com

Winner of First Place Award, Non-Fiction Books-Adult 2019 by The Delaware Press Association!

From the reviews:

“Schranck has presented the public with an outstanding scrapbook of highlight columns collected from his work in the book, “Hole by Hole – Golf Stories from Delaware’s Cape Region and Beyond”. To be sure, the book is chock full of information on the area’s local golf scene. But it’s that and a whole lot more. The author has taken a snapshot of the goings on and happenings of the region and the golf scene in general…. Schranck provides a special insight into the game with a local flair.” Bob Oliver, Golf Bucks County.com.

“‘Hole By Hole’ is a rich trove of engaging and accessible writing that anyone can appreciate – whether or not they like or play golf.” Dennis Forney, Publisher, The Cape Gazette.

“In Hole By Hole … Fritz has collected some of his favorite columns in a highly readable paperback edition.” Richard Forsten, Delaware State Bar Association July/August 2018 Bar Journal.

From the back cover:

Delaware’s Cape Region is a major golf attraction for locals and for the thousands of golfers who come to Delaware’s beaches from New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and DC.

The columns highlight a vibrant golf community and the courses and personalities that make the Cape Region a destination golf location.

For some readers, this collection is a bit like a scrapbook of their own golf memories. For others, it provides a glimpse of a part of golf not often seen in the pages of national publications – but an enjoyable stroll in a friendly neighborhood nonetheless.

How to buy your own copy:

Hole By Hole: Golf Stories from Delaware’s Cape Region and Beyond




Hole By Hole is a collection of some of the best pieces to appear in his column. Like the column, the book samples a wide variety of golfing topics, featuring dozens of Cape Region golfers as well as members of the national and worldwide golf scene, such as Jack Nicklaus and Dame Laura Davies.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs

Hole By Hole is available in paperback at these independent bookstores:

Browseabout Books, Rehoboth Beach

Biblion Books, Lewes

Bethany Beach Books, Bethany Beach

The book can also be found at these and other other Cape Region locations:

American Classic Golf Club, Lewes

Baywood Greens, Millsboro

Midway Par 3, Lewes

The Rookery Golf Courses, Milton and Milford

Or you can click here to purchase the Kindle edition!


Frederick Schranck

Hole By Hole
P.O. Box 88
Nassau, DE 19969
Email: FSchranck@HoleByHole.com



March 2025

Fritz Schranck
Golf Columnist
The Cape Gazette
17585 Nassau Commons Blvd.
Lewes, DE 19958
